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Προσοχή σε SCAM μηνύματα! Μας ενημέρωσαν ότι εστάλει μήνυμα στα Αγγλικά, για αλλαγή κωδικού πρόσβασης. Δεν έχουμε στείλει κάτι τέτοιο. Τα μηνύματά μας, πάντα είναι μεταφρασμένα στα Ελληνικά & περιέχουν το λογότυπό μας. ×
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    • 18 ώρες πρίν, anemoni9 είπε:

      Έχω πάρει τα φάρμακα και περιμένω να μου έρθει περίοδος να ξεκινήσω. Η πρώτη μου προσπάθεια είναι. Εσύ είσαι ευχαριστημένη προς το παρόν; Καλή επιτυχία με την ετ, μια μεγάλη χοριακη εύχομαι!! 

      Ναι είμαι πολύ ευχαριστημένη,το μόνο που με ανησυχεί είναι πως έχω ακόμη βήχα (ήμουν άρρωστη) και λίγο με ανησυχεί,έκανα ωοληψια τον Νοέμβριο τα βάλαμε κατάψυξη και τώρα θα πάμε για έμβρυο μεταφορά,ο γιατρός βέβαια μου είπε πως αν έχω πυρετό δεν θα προχωρήσουμε,πυρετό δεν έχω ευτυχώς,εύχομαι και σε εσένα καλή επιτυχία!

Relocation / moving out of town - Tips for kids!


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Very interesting text


saw it recently on a facebookpage for englishspeaking parents

Follow these 5 tips and run for President next year!

1. Always announce relocation plans when you get that feeling that youʼre close to landing the job or whatever the scenario; you know things are already headed towards that direction. The time you get something in life and the timing to cry that out loud are two different times. You will get that feeling of ʽnow is the time to say itʼ because you and everyone else will be together and relaxed.

Your Sanity This avoids anticipation and nagging. It also keeps the kids and you happy.

2. Once youʼve zoomed into a few possible destinations, it is a must to bring kids along. If for some reason this is not possible, make sure they get to ʽsee you thereʼ either via Skype, or a short video you can choose to make and broadcast and always mention their names, ask them their opinions.

Your Sanity This builds trust. It allows others to share choices and responsibilities.

3. When you know itʼs good and youʼll be going for sure, draft a nice voting plan. Allow children to vote on stuff like housing, furniture, schools and mods and cons. This way you are giving them adult status which they adore and helping them be part of a decision that they cannot solely blame you for! Ha!

Your Sanity This gains many points! It shows you cherish democracy.

4. A practical example. Yourʼre house-hunting? Great and keep choices limited to A or B and eventually C. If you present kids with too many options, they might use the occasion to pester you to get extra attention and have a good play session with you.

Your Sanity This makes you the master of your time. It also gains Likes!

5. Hold regular family conferences over dinner with a little junk food. Got to bribe the system! My dad used to do that and still pulls it off successfully with his grand kids. Itʼs how kids listen today I guess!!! The catch is you keep them home and serve them KFC along with steamed broccoli, my momʼs favorite dish.

Your Sanity This makes you the benefactor of the home time. The all-charitable and the party-head !

If you are planning your relocation, began moving or already there, you can book a meeting with Lydia because it is easier to get inspired and guided by an expert for a personalized project!

 η γλυκουλα μου είναι ήδη 10 ετών!

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